To read for learning:
- Pick up a reading material from your reading inbox.
- Add the reference details of that material in your reference manager (use a reference manager) like zotero.
- If reading a book, add steps from talahardin cycle for a book.
- Read the material naturally without skipping any parts. Highlight passages that stand out (i.e, useful text that is either difficult or easy to understand).
- Along with highlighting, write literature notes (how to write literature notes) on a temporary note in craft.
- After reading, export all highlights into the note in Craft.
- Read the highlights and literature notes then start developing evergreens using them (how to convert literature notes to permanent notes).
- Add reference details to each permanent note that uses the reference material.
- Include exact passages you used to write the permanent notes under each reference.
- Copy all literature notes to Zotero as a note.
This process is inspired by the barbell method of reading.
Fast, S. (2018, May 25). The Barbell Method of Reading. Zettelkasten Method.