Words are also code. Like code, they can be a used to program what is perhaps the most powerful software of all: the mind.

Code is often positional. How it is formed reflects biases. Some code like that of Apple’s are protected, while others are open-source.

Some words are profitable; for example, words from a highly sought therapist, author, or business advisor. On the other hand, some words that may seem priceless are not profitable; for example, words by a moving poet.

Code is often limited by the material that holds it (i.e., the hardware). Complex code requires complex hardware. On the other hand, some programmers work on making code that requires less electricity and runs in older electronic devices that are otherwise thrown in landfills.

Some writing is expensive to produce; for example, the words of a writer who requires an expensive lifestyle to produce his writing are expensive. Methods such as writing using an expensive computer while inside an expensive room in the most expensive place in an expensive city is expensive. On the other hand, there is writing done in the middle of chaos or while walking. The resulting work could be fragmentary, but is reflects the limits of the writing’s material context.

A project I am considering is to produce words inexpensively, free for all, moving, and playful to use (i.e., aesthetic, fun, and practicality).

The more we make writing complex, the more readers become mere readers and not participants. If it is too hard for people to teach themselves writing, we may never get to hear their ideas.

Some guiding principles for one’s poetics:

  • mastery (well-written)
  • moving
  • fun to create (process and method matters)
  • produced inexpensively (tools are small, portable)
  • free, cheap, or given as a gift

Create deeply. Live meaningfully. Limit distractions.