Like the world, we share the road with so many others. Many of us stay on the road than anywhere else. If we truly want to practice love, there is no better place.

When to show love

  • When you let other people pass before you whether they are walkers or riding a vehicle, see it as a rare opportunity to practice love toward your neighbor.
  • Let others use the sidewalk before you.
  • Let cars use the road before you.
  • Walk at your own pace. If your pace is too slow for a car, don’t change your pace. Get off the road and let them pass.
  • Reward yourself after each walk that you are able to practice these rules.
  • Reward your neighbor’s good behavior by always thanking them. Bowing to them could be enough. If they can hear you, say thank you.
  • Help others during accidents or when someone needs help to cross the street.

When to be assertive

  • Teach drivers to respect the pedestrian lane by compelling them to stop when you or others are using the lane.
  • When people in a vehicle shows impatience on you when you have an obvious reason for it, communicate it to them (if possible) peacefully.