There are few things I need to review every day:

  1. Progress in my philosophical studies including new developments in my talahardin
  2. Progress in my writing life
  3. Progress in my photography
  4. Progress in my walking
  5. Progress in my other projects
  6. Other notable things that happened

To review and reflect on the progress I made in a day’s study session, I ask three questions:

  1. What things did I return to or continue to develop?
  2. What new things did I learn or started to learn?
  3. What resources did I check or return to?

For writing, I simply write what I read and wrote that day that is connected to improving my general writing life. For photography, I write any specific practice, tasks, or learning achievements I did. For walking, I write where I walked.

For projects, I just ask one question for each: What did I do to move this project closer to completion? For others, I would usually log new things, places, or media I explored.

I conduct this daily review the morning after the day as part of my daily routine and write them in a daily note. These reports will be useful when I conduct my monthly review.


Tietze, C. (200 C.E., 24:32). Use a Short Knowledge Cycle to Keep Your Cool. Zettelkasten.

You’ll need to keep a log and take a look at it whenever you want to change the process to make an informed and directed change instead of blindly guessing what could work next. Reflecting on the process will inevitably give your mind a bit of rest. This might trigger ideas which lead you to research differently and get new insights. So take the logging and journalling seriously.

How well did you do? Did you learn something new? Judge the processing work you had to do: Was the amount of material manageable? How long did it take to work through your findings? Would you prefer to have more or less time to research? Keep book of your answers. It’s important to write them down in a log to review changes over time.