Here are some lessons I’ve learned about navigating finances:

  1. In this material existence, one will get big breaks and incur material losses. Sometimes, they even each other out; sometimes, not. As long as you’re alive, you have people who love you, and you have some reasonable amount of wealth that could sustain you, you are okay and you will be fine.
  2. To honor your blessings and the wonderful life ahead, stop thinking about your losses and what could’ve been and just think about how to get better.
  3. Never put yourself in a one-sided contract that places you at a huge disadvantage if things go south.
  4. Never accumulate money on a low yield bank.
  5. Never make a purchase on a social media online shop with no chance of arbitration when problems arise.
  6. Stay cheap even if your salary increases.
  7. Consider putting a cap on your income so you continue living modestly.
  8. Invest in something you understand.
  9. Design a financial system that would prevent money from becoming a distraction. For example, the safer your investments (no risk to low risk), the more your money won’t distract you.