A way of philosophizing first articulated by Ran Lahav. He previously called it “contemplative philosophy” and “philosophical companionships.” It was born out of his disatisfaction from academic philosophy’s emphasis on absract reasoning and Philosophical practice’s distancing from what Lahav calls the “original philosophical mission”: Creating inner transformations while connecting to the foundation of reality.

Deep philosophy has four main tenets:

  1. Contemplate on fundamental aspects of life (i.e., philosophize).
  2. Contemplate from our inner depth.
  3. Contemplate texts from the history of philosophy.
  4. Contemplate with others to transcend our individual viewpoint.

I am attracted to deep philosophy because it is both intellectually responsible, yet “personally deep and meaningful.”

Update: After getting more acquainted with it, I no longer share this impression. Deep philosoph is heavily Eastern and mystical, which tends to outrightly reject metaphysics and epistemology and relegates abstract reasoning as secondary to experience and “intuition”. Deep philosophy claims to combine both intuition and reason, but it isn’t very clear where reason and abstract reasoning fits in its model. It cannot escape the two but like Eastern philosophy, it denigrates it and puts it below emotions and experiences. It could be right. But I am not yet sure I am ready to accept this conclusion.

