Free religion

  • a reverence we feel toward everything, which inspires us to attend to things with love and quality of action


  • mechanical-ness
  • a culture of cut-throat competition

Let your journey with free religion bring you where it needs to be. If it is writing, so be it. Let this jumping from one thing to another using curiosity not just be your guide in writing but also in all trades of life in general. Finish reading Cosmic Sage and fix its highlights. Then focus on strengthening your writing practice. Begin by clearly articulating this in an essay for Sunday. The essay will be about the principle of jumping and how it translates to:

  • spirituality
  • Walking
  • Writing (where they all converge)

A spirituality attuned to nature (ie, to how things are)

Connect this to divergence, convergence: we only find something we’ve settled on after trying different things, allowing ourselves to fail.

But also mention that sometimes, we no longer feel the need to converge on anything and we diverge many times we see it as the principle. Our convergences become simply snapshots.


  • two ways: follow the religion of our parents or be free or


  • share the walk poem examples
  • when walking is used as a method, you can either let the different images dictate what is next then stop and write about what catches you on that very moment or revisit your notes after the walk. The converging happens after, the jumping and diverging has happened during the walk.
  • Of course, sometimes converging is sometimes let go altogether

Photography could be an even more generous media for this aesthetic.


  • mention Billy Collins’ process
  • Mention Pat Schneider
  • Mention Rem Tanauan and Flow

”A Poetics of Faith and Play: Flowing in Spirituality, Walking, and Writing”

For December, focus on your personal relationship to writing.

Next year, consider practicing holding space for workshops.

Adapt the principles of the AWA and write it in Filipino.

Series of articles

  • A free subsistent spirituality
  • A free subsistent spirituality through writing
  • Writing with oneself
  • Writing with others

The writing method must develop faith in oneself and in others.