The reason why there is no destiny is because, we seem to have free will—that is, the ability to determine our own actions.

For me, the thought that there is no universal, absolute, natural purpose arising from the universe with which I “ought” to comply with is liberating.

That means we create our individual purpose. I don’t have to follow a set of rules written on unearthed decaying papyrus.

I make my own rules.

Something happens to us and then we create a story out of it. It is randomness mixed with volition or determined by the laws of physics and interrupted by volition. But none is predetermined. There is no plan. Even if there is a structure, that structure came after or can be understood after the thing happened. It is almost impossible to predict exactly what will happen. Given this reality, what we can control (or have more volition over) is our reaction to what has happened, which includes how we interpret it and how we can prepare ourselves for next time. This is why accurate interpretation is important.


To Do

  • Research: Does Platonism support destiny?