focuses on a single event or problem

taking place in a single setting

don’t have intervals

present a concise, focused narrative

contain one or more scenes within the act

demanding due to limitations of the time frame and stage direction.

focus on a single theme or situation unfolding over the course of the play.

the writer of a one-act play must be careful to avoid unnecessary details and scenes.

Despite having only one act, one-act plays might follow the same dramatic structure as full-length plays In contrast to a full-length play, these may not be as distinct and elaborate in a one-act play. The elements of a one-act play, therefore, include a concise introduction to characters and setting, a rising action that leads to a dramatic climax, and a denouement that wraps up the narrative.

A play, film or TV show can only become great when all the key elements of drama work together.

The plot is about the order of events and the progression of the play.

In a good play, each action or event happens for a reason. A plot can serve a theme and will influence the growth or decline of the characters.

Aristotle identified plot and character as the two most important elements of drama.