

  • Morning seiza meditation
  • Five-minute journal
  • Journaling
  • Mindful reading
  • Talahardin


  • Connecting with friends


  • Night walk
  • Evening seiza meditation


  • Weekly readings with Lea
  • Wednesday: Morning nature solo walk retreat
  • Seiza meditation with group via class
  • Sunday: Newsletter sermon
  • (Goal): Weekly gathering with free religion friends


  • Monthly moai guided walks
  • Monthly uman articles

==Writing seems to have replaced religion when I left the JWs. But most of my experience of writing is inward and solitary. So, one thing I’m considering is making this outward (i.e., facilitating writing). I wonder how I might use teaching writing to encourage people to embrace a free, creative spirituality.

Question: How to apply what Olson is saying in my own art?

“Olson tells us that the work of the morning “is methodology: how to use oneself, and on what”

The first work and dogma (necessary know-how) is “How by form, to get the content instant”. By this Olson means he wants us to create things where the form they take perfectly, and immediately, expresses the content; where our poetry, music, acts of social justice and worship, are the fullest possible expressions of ourselves and not merely inauthentic, arty or moralistic clothing.

  • I wanted to continue enriching my writing and photography practice. But I don't want to engage with them merely for aesthetics. How can I use writing and photography not just to express myself beautifully but also to help me practice a free, creative spirituality?
    • Started reading Lawrence Buell’s Literary Transcendentalism: the transcendentalists had a similar project.
