This test is ideally taken before and after going through the Building a Minimum Viable LMS Program. It was taken from the Getting Things Done workbook.

Rate yourself according to this scale: 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = neither agree nor disagree 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree

  1. I write down ideas and to-do items when they first show up.
  2. I keep a complete list of all my next actions.
  3. I keep a record of what I am waiting for from other people.
  4. My calendar contains only the necessary appointments or day-specific information.
  5. I have a single list of all my current projects.
  6. I have at least one recorded next action for each of my projects.
  7. I get my email inbox to zero every day or so by going through each email and putting it where it belongs.
  8. I can easily store and access reference material when needed, whether paper or digital.
  9. I have designated in-trays in all the places I need to capture all my incoming paper and stuff.
  10. I get my paper in-tray(s) to empty every day or so.
  11. When I get behind or overwhelmed, I know how to get back on track by engaging with my next actions, projects, and calendar.
  12. I take time each week to get caught up and to review how I am doing with my professional/personal work.
  13. I have a trusted place I can easily find and look at to see additional/support information about any project I am working on.
  14. I have a framework I can use to choose best what to work on at any particular time.
  15. When unexpected demands arise or interruptions occur, I can easily evaluate their priorities against everything else I have to do.

Scoring Key

15–30: You really need a life management system. 31–46: You are getting a glimpse of what it feels like to live a productive life. 47–62: You are doing well! Keep going! 63–75: You are close to being masterful with using an LMS! This last fine-tuning will make a huge impact on you.


Allen, D., & Hall, B. (2019). The Getting Things Done Workbook: 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity (Workbook edition). Penguin Books.