In metalearning, after you understand the knowledge structure of a subject, you have to analyze them using the following process:

  1. Underline the concepts, facts, and procedures that you are most unfamiliar with. These will be your major bottlenecks.
  2. Look for the most effective resources to overcome these bottlenecks.
  3. Avoid resources that won’t help you with these bottlenecks.

After doing this step, Apply benchmarking and emphasizing-excluding to know how to learn effectively.


Young, S. (2019). Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career (Illustrated edition). Harper Business.

  1. Underline the concepts, facts, and procedures that are going to be most challenging. This will give you a good idea what the major learning bottlenecks are going to be.
  2. Using your knowledge of the bottlenecks, search for methods and resources to overcome those difficulties. Focusing on these will make your study time more efficient and effective.
  3. Using your knowledge of the bottlenecks, avoid tools that won’t be too helpful to your goal.

More advance step

  1. Look at some of the particular features of the concepts, facts, and procedures you’re trying to learn to find methods to master them more effectively.