Here is a radical interpretation of the holy spirit or what Andrew J. Brown calls “the Spirit of Life.” According to Andrew, the Spirit of Life is what “makes any single event or person possible.” It is plural as it comes in all directions simultaneously and spreads like wind. If I am right that Andrew is interpreting the holy spirit this way, then his interpretation is a radical and beautiful way of looking at it.
Life, indeed, behaves this way. It arises from places we wouldn’t think it will come from. I and everyone I loved and I meet in this universe at this point in time was here because of this Spirit of Life and that is nothing short of a miracle.
On another note, the piece where this comes from also easily describes the talahardin. The talahardin isn’t linear and it definitely is rhizomatic. It spreads in all directions and connects different ideas, a process that produces new ideas. It also has multiple entryways, extremely modifiable, and looks like a rhizome.
The work of Dave Cormier is particularly helpful for me especially as I organize my learning journey with jiyu shukyo. Dave says he dislikes curriculums (or a set of things that people are supposed to know) because it signifies passivity. What he advocates instead is a preparation for change.
Brown, Andrew James. “The True Spirit of Pentecost — Freely, Creatively and Rhizomatically Educational, Always and Everywhere.” Caute, 18 May 2024,