• 1 If no perfectly loving God exists, then God does not exist.
  • 2 If a perfectly loving God exists, then there is a God who is always open to personal relationship with each human person.
  • 3 If there is a God who is always open to personal relationship with each human person, then no human person is ever non-resistantly unaware that God exists.
  • 4 If a perfectly loving God exists, then no human person is ever non-resistantly unaware that God exists (from 2 and 3).
  • 5 Some human persons are non-resistantly unaware that God exists.
  • 6 No perfectly loving God exists (from 4 and 5).
  • 7 God does not exist (from 1 and 6).

this is not to say that “Divine reality” (Schallenberg’s own term) may not be real and experienced by us but it is (very strongly) to suggest that this Divine reality is unlikely to be the personal God of theism.


Brown, Andrew James. “A Walk to Meg’s Mount from Wandlebury along the Roman Road and a Note about ‘Divine Hiddenness’ and the ‘Argument from Non-Belief’ for Atheism.” Caute, 4 Nov. 2014, https://andrewjbrown.blogspot.com/2014/11/a-walk-to-megs-mount-from-wandlebury.html.