She explicitly mentions specific books that changed how she understood things. She narrates how she got into an intellectual realization. See Poetry and narrative trace their history so readers can re-enact them.
Body is connected to walking.
- What new thoughts are generated when I walk?
- What experiences do I have when walking that led to new knowledge?
- How do these thoughts and experiences help me reconstruct a new identity?
$ I am in a journey to recreate myself and walking is my means of travel.
Walking and storytelling are intimately connected practices.
Rebecca Solnit (2014):
Part of what makes roads, trails, and paths so unique as built structures is that they cannot be perceived as a whole all at once by a sedentary onlooker. They unfold in time as one travels along them, just as a story does as one listens or reads, and a hairpin turn is like a plot twist, a steep ascent a building of suspense to the view at the summit, a fork in the road an introduction of a new storyline, arrival the end of the story. Just as writing allows one to read the words of someone who is absent, so roads make it possible to trace the route of the absent…To write is to carve a new path through the terrain of the imagination, or to point out new features on a familiar route…So stories are travels and travels are stories.” (p. 72)
$ You have to find ideas about the concepts you are working at from others but also present your own conceptions. A good method perhaps is to lay out all your conceptions and then find literature that support or augment them.
$ What I did was I walked, took notes and photographs during my walks, and then went home to write about these walks in narratives. This is how I slowly pieced together a new identity.
Other works to check
Jung (2014) Wylie (2005) Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Practice on Foot, Ingold and Vergunst (2016) Walking Methodologies in a More-Than-Human World: Walkinglab, Springgay and Truman (2018)
$ - All notes with these symbol are my original ideas.
Amoroso, L.-A. (2021). Walking as a Way of Knowing: An Autoethnography of Embodied Inquiry [Dissertation, Portland State Univeristy].