There are three undeniable fundamental laws of logic. These laws govern our reality and thought. They are universal laws presupposed by everyone whether they realize it or not.

Without using these laws, a meaningful conversation is impossible.

The three laws of logic are:

  1. The law of identity (P is P)
  2. The law of non-contradiction (P is not non-P)
  3. The law of the excluded middle (either P or non-P)

To deny this laws, one will be using these laws in the process, therefore contradicting themselves. For example, to say something that “There is no such this as truth,” is a truth claim. So, there is no such thing as truth except the truth that there is no truth?

Logical laws are inherently different from the natural laws. If there is a God, God can violate natural laws but will not be able to violate logical laws.
