To implement the cycle effectively, delineate how much time you are going to use for studying. Two hours a day is an ideal length. Divide these hours into shorter intervals like a 25:5 minutes work-to-break ratio.

Hopefully, by keeping a reading inbox, it will be easier for you to identify what material to read. But if this isn’t clear yet, allocate a few minutes of the cycle for metalearning and research. You need to limit this time though to Avoid collecting information. Do the same with the next phases, allocating time appropriately and fitting these within the 25:5 minutes intervals.

The reason for cutting a work session into shorter breaks is because it is easier to determine the best action moving forward if the sessions are short (working with externalized small tasks encourages focus; break down your work into small and clearly separated tasks).


Tietze, C. (200 C.E., 24:32). Use a Short Knowledge Cycle to Keep Your Cool. Zettelkasten.