Progressive summarization is what tiago forte calls his highlighting process. I doubt that this is original though. It has a stark similarity to the barbell method of reading proposed by sascha fast.

Unlike the Barbell method though, Tiago has more than two levels:

  1. Reading and highlighting
  2. Bolding the highlights
  3. Re-higlighting the bolds
  4. Creating an outline of the second highlights
  5. Writing a summary

The biggest benefit of Tiago’s process is that it emphasizes a finish product at the end. That said, it neglects the production of useful resources for future work (i.e., atomic notes) and relies exclusively on unprocessed highlights for this, which in turn encourages collector’s fallacy (Progressive summarization encourages collector’s fallacy) . To correct this, I Combine progressive summarization with Talahardin.


Forte, T. (2017, December 27). Progressive Summarization: A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes. Forte Labs.