If acquiring a skill, you have to practice it directly. When learning knowledge, you have to use it in a context of use (Directness is connected with context of use). Learning through passively consuming is never enough. You have to overcome procrastination by passive consumption and the fear of just starting, so you can finally practice. You can even practice in public (work with the garage door up).


Kaufman, J. (2013). The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything…Fast! Portfolio.

Training, in this context, means improving a skill you’ve already acquired through repetition. It’s what happens after you’ve acquired a basic skill if you want to keep improving.

Skill acquisition requires practicing the skill in question. It requires significant periods of sustained, focused concentration. It requires creativity, flexibility, and the freedom to set your own standard of success.

If you want to get good at anything where real-life performance matters, you have to actually practice that skill in context. Study, by itself, is never enough.

The major barrier to rapid skill acquisition is not physical or intellectual: it’s emotional. Doing something new is always uncomfortable at first, and it’s easy to waste a ton of time and energy thinking about practicing instead of practicing.