It is important to Use a reading inbox to capture useful reading materials.

Here is my own implementation of this useful tool.

For web pages, I capture them through Instapaper using its browser extensions on desktop and mobile.

For PDFs, I save them to ~/Documents/0 Inbox/0 Reading inbox. I read PDFs through Skim. After reading them, I move them to ~/Documents/4 Archives/0 Reading Archive. I also add them to Zotero. I trash them by deleting them.

For e-books, I save them to ~/Documents/0 Inbox/0 Reading inbox. I use Clearview to read them. After reading them, I file them to ~/Documents/4 Archives/0 Reading Archive. I also add them to Zotero. I trash them by deleting them.


Matuschak, A. (n.d.). My implementation of a reading inbox. Andyʼs Working Notes. Retrieved August 22, 2021, from