Sir Vince

  • malalim ang tinatangka
  • different walks: cat walks, walking tourism, walking as art

The period tackled is long. Why did you choose the scenes and episodes included in the essay?

  • showing vs telling: you were told not shown
  • four oclock flowers (exposition) where time expanded

What is the temporal vantage point where you are telling the story?

  • telling it from the present

Page 77, line 15-20.

  • Believability
  • Ngayon mo lang narealize yan?

Image text relations

  • why are these the images used and why put them
  • indexicality and referentiality


  • meandering structure
  • it reads like an academic essay right now
  • the theoretical part thickens but makes it very intellectual
  • try problematique

Autoethnography is very focused on the self

  • Gramsci “interegnum”
  • it can be used to connect/traverse the socio-political
  • if the personal has interegnum then perhaps even the social?


  • ethical dimensions of publishing: are we ready to accept the implications?

Why is this essay urgent? Why are they

  • Why include these elements
  • Why tell it to people who might not need it.

Sir Allan

Use techniques in fiction (point of view).

  • Not a work about walking
  • It was an essay about essays about waking.
  • Bring us to the walk.
  • Make it joyful.
  • Use “streams of consciousness”: play with the point of view. It doesn’t have to be the I always talking.
  • Totoong-totoo (ang totoo lang yung mga bulaklak); even photos not that true
  • Fiction: setting, pagbubuo sa landscape
  • Obligatory scenes: show the pastor inside the KH. Scene inside KH. Or describe how you go to the houses; scenes with sound bytes (dialogues: learn from dula)

Maam Gen

  • Narration, dialogue
  • It is a griefwork
  • Check: Teju Cole, A Month in Shina (Ishnamatar): one painting per day contemplate (?)


  • Physicalize your process
  • Walking is male (Teodora Alonzo was walked but used to limit her gender)
  • Urbana and Feliza (how women walk)
  • Take advantage of your history with the deaf (emphasize); nonverbal ang paglalakad
  • Jamie Abad: walking made her a great psychiatrist because she saw the death march (use sequences); not necessarily yourself (avoid navel gazing); use the others
  • Lack of inspirational writing on questions of faith: honest, no pretention
  • Bicycle and walking (dumadaan): nakikita mo people: the photos, the relics are lives

Walking studies are geared towards gender Anthology on religious poetry Salonga


  • wag mong irevise
  • walking can be used in anthropology
  • method not an issue
  • no problem definition of liminality
  • liminality is vulnerable, implied but not felt, uncertainty lang ang obvious ++
  • baka nga hindi kailangang tawaging liminality
  • “portable identities” - while walking, throw it
  • Identities that dont require rootedness
  • there is no such things as individual (dividual) - manananggal culture; you are everywhere and anywhere
  • “liminal walking”
  • Self: the idea of teh Self is always relational (where are the others in that Self?)
  • Wala ka man lang taong na-encounter?
  • Ox and Cats
  • ethnography is that ethnographic encounter (not the field): the text encountered is the text the encounter changed you as a researcher
  • do not use the word auto;
  • beware of those debates and the traps: dahil alam mo yung genre, kaya mong lagpasan


  • Declarative pronouncments of an abled body and cisgendered man. Owes it to the audience to explain.
  • fatigue and heat are interwined
  • walking in which climate? (consider)
  • women can’t walk for hours and even feel relax
  • women can’t walk in the night
  • how about transpeople, and migrants, racial anxieties?
  • walking in safe space
  • “just give acknowledgement”
  • connect the work
  • how to do it? not sure.
  • Empirial eyes by Marie Louise Far
  • Walking is site specific (no side walks)


  • arriving as a stranger to a familiar place
  • palawaking ang meditation sa walking
  • slow films: self
  • Taiwanese new film directors
  • Abas Kirostami
  • sociocultural aspects of walking: time is a luxury for walking in the context where time is money; walking is an alternative way of living
  • Jena Osman “Public Figures”
  • When a Map of Folded Cities


  • critical theory has become a philosophy
  • we find critical theory not in philosophy (change religion)
  • Marcel Proust “Remembrance of Things Past”
  • Four Oclock flowers
  • Rewalking baguio (favorite)
  • this can be intro chapter
  • next chapters zero in
  • difficult comment because it is a healing thing
  • “processual identity” (not need the old and self): portable nalang; no need to decide between the old and new (no need to be certain)


  • old self and new self is residue of being a JW


  • Louisa’s Cafe sa baguio (journalists and writers)
  • legacy of Baguio to me
  • Baguio is inspired by flaneur
  • “Walking the Wound” poem ni Sir
  • interogate legacy that Baguio left you
  • find a publisher willing to publish this
  • keep it as extensive footnotes
  • maximize and optimize details
  • methodology with discernment
  • lexicon of walking in Pangasinan that could inform your method
  • writing to discover a voice; it is performative
  • this is where you’ll find the self later
  • write about the self in a way to extend to others, communal


  • limen in her thesis
  • walking is also in her thesis
  • religious crisis also in her memoir
  • it is a book project
  • each comment is a chapter
  • desire lines in architecture: walking desire lines
  • you might not need the photos (misosen)
  • 5 hours = 5 chapters
  • walk itself as a structure
  • place essay
  • Narito: place essays of la salle
  • remove the word autoethnography and it will stand by itself
  • you are a creative writer ++
  • your relationship with God: use it: most powerful material


  • walking is the subject of the research
  • but walking
  • what is more exciting is the walks that havent happened yet
  • mahirap yung pagbabalik sa tapos na
  • this is just a background of the study for the walks that will take place
  • walking as creating encounters (not looking back)
  • theatre games
  • even in forms that tend to be reflective, what other research methods can we appropriate
  • the data will create the form
  • Focus on future walks
  • walk na may audio recorder
  • if my encounter results to relationships ok na yan kahit wala nang product


  • sad

i feel like i walked with all of you. biggest lesson: the walk although solitary shouldnt not be a self-centered endeavor cite anecdote during the walk I appreciate how you held my story. you put me in limen but also strengthened my identity. i will do my best to make justice to all the words you prepared for me.

stop might cry

Other ideas

walking to map the soul rechanging the city through walking