I do want to believe that truth is simple, that the simplest explanation is always the right one. But this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, we really need to work hard to get to the bottom of things.

However, there indeed are intuitions that are simple and beautiful, and yet we don’t regard as truth because they are too idealistic to happen. For example, I know in my heart that I want to live in a world run by gift economy, where we exchange our time and material possession without the interest of profit. This will require a change of heart from every human alive, which is impossible to achieve. And yet I know—my heart knows—that this intuition is right and true.

Recently, Andrew planted the idea in my head that God, instead of a person, is a relationship. This was John Dewey’s idea. God is that relationship between the imagined and the actual, between the ideal and the real, between the mind and matter.

This force that makes ideals true and real is what Dewey calls God. I’m not yet sure whether to believe this. But it is a step in the right direction. I mean, how else could I explain where I am now. Living in LB, doing the things I want to do with a beautiful partner was only once a dream.