Tolstoy quotes a lot of sayings that use the word God. I’m going to focus on this because it is my current process. Ever since I started doing these walks with you, I’ve opened up myself to returning to metaphysical issues (problems that concern what exists)—issues that I placed on the wayside in favor of ethical issues (issues about how to live).

I started with confronting the concept of God because it seems to me such a fundamental idea that I couldn’t move on to other issues without really confronting it. Right now, I remain skeptical in the belief on the existence of a personal God. In fact, I would go on and say that I do not believe in it. But I am leaning into a belief into this ultimate source and values that is explainable by nature. The reason for this belief is the following facts:

  • No human being chose to be born.
  • Our continued existence is possible through our interconnectedness with other humans and nonhumans. This, in turn, creates this one big whole that seems more valuable than any of us and yet at the same time gives our lives deep meaning, value, and joy.
  • Because of its natural existence, I am moved to be in awe to it and pledge my loyalty to it. This is as far as I go with my current thinking for this thing that I could call God. It definitely is not a person and so the things I could do with another person I couldn’t do with it. But this is good. Since it is different, my relationship with it will also be different.