“Always rambling in the formless paradise of light.”
- deep meaning
- not just walking
- go for a ramble
- Nishida Kitaro (always taking a walk and ramble for thinking)
Be alert always putting our strenght form getting up to going to bed.
Education of your body. - Okada-sensei
Seiza meditation as part of an educational institute.
At ito-en, the children practice seiza in the morning.
In the same yard, there is a school and shrine.
Real education is not accumulating knowledge but dropped.
Hikidaso. → draw from myself.
Teachers goal is to create people even through music and physical education.
Every breath is a chisel of making a person.
Just be in accordance with nature. This is the essence of seiza.
“Essence of Seiza”
Reading a book again and again.
(I want to write a book that will be read again and again.)
Seiza was not created by human beings.
Seiza is just nature.
Body as spiritual
naturalness, no contrivance, not calculating mind (jininhoni)
Are there words in the Philippines (sikolohiyang Pinoy) that could be used in a jiyu shukyo spirituality?