Walking means multiple views, grounded views. Important to cast a wider net to things we consume: read, listen to, watch.

I shouldn’t look at other people in just one perspective.

What I couldn’t do as a photographer is to capture the object in its entirety, completely. “There is no finality of vision.”

What I can only do are:

  1. Take photos of the object from as many angles as I could.
  2. Recognize that some angles are better than others.

But there could be no conclusivity.

Movement is position-fulness.

The problem with political and social movements is that they are so hang up with the words with their theories that they dont question them. Once they achieve what they want they stay there and stop moving.

I heard someone said once that in the Philippines, being a third world countr

Seeing these young men and women walking together late in the evening with no fear, carefree only thinking of tomorrow’s exam I remember another part of the world where young men and women much like these kids ride rubber boats with courage hoping to cross the sea toward another country, praying the bloody vessel packed with twenty perhaps more won’t sink down the ocean along with all their dreams of one day walking home from class with only tomorrow’s exam to worry about.