What being in this financial liminal space does to me is it opens me up to experiences of gift, or at least surprises. For sure, trust experiences, and opportunities to practice more faith and hope.

What is clear is that I have spent the first three months of this year just stretching out my runway. I have done a bit of creative stuff, but not really take my chances. I have a feeling that doing the websites for Candent and Ili will really take a lot of time esp if both opt for a re-design.

I will have to learn how to use an app for wireframing. Then I will need to learn one of the Wordpress pagebuilders.

When I’m living a good day, what am I spending my time on?

Do the sources of information I am exposed to each day support that type of lifestyle or distract from it?

Life project:

A website with a collection of walk narratives encountering place, others, and self.

I would like to walk as many places in the Philippines as possible.

How can I design my life and days to support this life project?