I got out of the house early yesterday. About 4 pm. I had an itch of the outdoors after much bad weather the past days.
I used my favorite road to go to San Juan. I saw the men working on the roads resting. They’re fast. They might be able to finish the road by the end of the year or even the month.
Took a photo of this tree that has a lavender flower for identification.
I debated whether to go back to the pond or to explore a new bike trail. I was tempted to go back to the pond because my Bushnell arrived the other day and I was excited to use it to observe the kingfishers better. But before I crossed the Fortune Dragon farm, I decided I wanted to see something new, to expand my range of awareness, that itch that feels so good to scratch. So I decided to follow the trail that would lead me to the Pugaro-Babasit road, which could possibly lead me to a nice spot I went to years ago, the path, which made me realize I actually want to document the bike trails in my locale.
From Fortune Dragon farm, I would usually always turn right until the road leads me back to the highway. But yesterday, I turned left to follow the way to Babasit-Pugaro. After turning left, I would again turn right in crossroads to get me back to the highway. I tried diverting to left once and the path led me to Manaoag’s garbage pile.
The path to Babasit-Pugaro road were full of residential lots but people were not really many.
I saw this weird fruit or flower from a tree (perhaps). I have to identify it.
Babasit-Pugaro road though was a silent road full of trees, some of which canopied some parts of the road creating a forest-like experience.
It is also here where a government evacuation center was built. The place where it was built in was actually nice. It had a good view of the sunset.
I reached the end of the road by around 5:11 pm. I saw this view on the right.
And found this near where some pieces of shattered glass were still on the road. I wonder if something bad happened here.
Also found an interesting tree that should be identified.
The end of the trail was the graveyard - public and private. I didn’t seem to see what I was looking for. The trail that I found years back seems no where to find. I thought maybe it was in the other side of the graveyard. I might check. Although as I rode my bike back, there was a portion of the path where it could have possible been the spot I was looking for. Although I do remember a more elevated spot, clear, and with winding roads from it.
The ride going back home was a lot easier. It seems like when we are still discovering the path, time pasts by slowly but when we have found it and use it again, time moves fast.
Everything could have been perfect if it wasn’t for the dog that started chasing me on Bayaoas Road, I could’ve reached the house easier. And yet it happened and my rear wheel got a hole. I walked from Bayaoas Road up to the house. Interestingly, a couple had the same conundrum but they were riding a motorcycle. They dragged their motorcycle from Babasit (possible farther) to Santa Maria where the first vulcanizing shop can be found.
I took what happened as a stoic challenge and did not let anger or frustration consume me. It was a nice field work overall. Might go to the pond today.