Note: Don’t stress too much about what to read next. Let your curiosity and needs dictate that. As long as there’s at least 1 prose book and 1 poetry book on your plate you’ll be fine. Focus more on making good use of the information you get from your reading.

Reading is such an important part of my understanding process, specifically, the my studying process.

My reading process follows classic getting things done method:

  1. Collect: I Use a reading inbox to capture useful reading materials. I am mindful in adding materials here, though. I follow some Guidelines on what to add to your reading inbox.
  2. Process: For a detailed presentation, see How to manage a reading inbox. I review my reading inbox weekly as part of my weekly review routine to delete materials that I will no longer read. The materials I do read, especially those for learning (Decide whether to read for fun or for learning), are read with the intention of taking notes (Reading without note-taking is only beneficial in the short-term)
  3. Organize: I archive everything I read. I detailed how I do archiving for each reading material type in the note detailing the implementation of My reading inbox.
